Just a quick note to say Thank You for partnering with TechTalent. We are truly grateful for the support of all our clients, candidates and partners. We are excited about continuing our relationship as we move into 2017.
2016 has been an exciting year for our team. A few highlights:
- We launched a new Mortgage Division and are in the process of hiring a new leader to expand that group and market.
- We hired an awesome Marketing Manager (Jessica Bramblett) to focus on attracting and engaging top talent on social media.
- We launched our new website. Please take a look at: https://techtalentsquared.com.
- We successfully placed candidates and made a huge impact on their careers and lives. The most fun and rewarding part of what we do!
As we move into 2017, stay tuned for some exciting changes and as we:
- Launch our Industry Newsletter so that you can receive high-impact market insights including: Salary Information, SaaS, FinTech and Financial Services industry trends, Market Intelligence, Career Advice and more.
- Partner with MUST Ministries as we donate a portion of ALL revenue to their program as they support the basics needs of families in our area. Learn more at: http://www.mustministries.org/
- Continue to strive to improve our services and value we provide.
Thank you again for choosing TechTalent as your staffing and Career partner.
We would like to wish you a very Happy and Safe Holiday Season!